Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week of April 13

SJA Track and Field Week of Monday, April 13


Welcome back to all of you have been travelers.  I truly hope you enjoyed your experiences.  I also truly hope you get back to track/field mode quickly because while you were away the season didn’t stop! 


The annual dual with Mags is scheduled for Tuesday, April 14th at St. Eds starting at 5:00pm.  The shot and discus will apparently be competed at Mags on Monday at 5:00pm.  We will take a van from SJA at 4:20.  I will have the full itinerary emailed and online by 9:00pm tonight.


Congrats to the many great efforts at both Nordonia and Bedford on Saturday.  Our sport is half mental and half physical – I think a lot of you took huge steps on both fronts with your performances.  2nd at Nordonia and 5th at Bedford is nothing to gloss over – that is phenomenal!  Thanks to all the girls who came to Bedford strictly for support as well as Lauren for coming to Bedford after the Nordonia meet….very classy ladies!


Monday, April 13

Full team meeting in the gym at 3:15

Distance to mastick after – done by 5:15

Sprinters on the track – pre-meet plus light lift

Throwers to Mags at 4:20


Tuesday, April 14

Be smart!  You need to have PROPER energy food between lunch and the meet so that you don’t “bonk”.  PB&J sandwichs, bananas, crackers, pretzels, etc…all easy to digest and good for pre-competition.  Gatorade good too. 

Do your homework at school while snacking before we go to the meet – won’t get done at Eds until after 8:00.

Throwers – lift right after school then go to the meet?  Double check with coach on Monday

Full team – we’ll take a bus to St. Eds at 4:00.  If weather is good this will be a drop off only, so bring all your homework, etc…First event at 5:00.  See itinerary on team website.


Wednesday, April 15

Distance – to mastick for mileage.  Done by 5:00

Sprinters – at SJA…done by 5:00

Throwers – normal day


Thursday, April 16

Distance – at SJA for cross train….done at normal cross train time

Sprinters – at SJA…pre-meet.  Done by 5:00

Throwers - ???  Check with coach on Wednesday


Friday, April 17

Meet for varsity at Lakewood HS

Itinerary posted Wednesday for this meet.  Limited entries


Saturday April 18

Possible distance run “practice” at Mastick.  More info this week.  Expect it!