Sunday, March 20, 2016

Week of March 21

Monday, March 21 - picture day and team gear money turn in.  Practice will go later - be ready for 5:15-5:30 pick up.  If you don't have a uniform or picture form you can get one after school.  Unis will be in room 331.
All events practice at SJA after pictures
39 and cloudy
sprinters - TBD
distance - TBD

Tues, March 22 (57 and windy)
sprinters - speed day - have spikes!!!
distance - mileage at mastick
pole vault - to St. Eds (all pole vaulters)

Wed, March 23 (48 and rain possible)
sprinters 3:00-4:45
distance - at SJA 1:00-2:30
throwers - 3:30-5:00

Thurs, March 24 (52 and storms possible)
high jump and pole vault go directly to St. Eds at noon.  Please try to get to SJA for your running workout later.  We know it's a big day, but you have Friday off.
sprinters 3:00-4:45
distance - 3:00-4:45 at SJA
throwers - 3:30-5:00

Friday - all events off for good Friday (41 and snow)

Saturday (48 and sunny)
distance - 1000m  time trial at SJA.  Begin warm-up at noon.  Done by 1:30.  Spikes only for non-indoors people.  If you ran indoors wear flats please.
sprinters - TBD
throwers - TBD

Sunday - Happy Easter!

Monday - practice
times TBD

Tuesday - first meet at Boardman HS!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

This week March 14

Remember this week there is no practice on Thursday.

Pay attention to the weather - there is a chance of rain most days.

5:00 dismissal for all groups all days unless your coach instructs otherwise

Monday, March 14
throwers with Coach Wirtz
sprinters - SE I
distance - practice at SJA (light workout day)

Tuesday, March 15
throwers with Coach Wirtz
sprinters - long jump day, lifting, core, other specialties
distance - at mastick (fast last mile)

Wednesday, March 16
throwers with Coach Wirtz
sprinters - speed day (bring spikes!)
distance - at SJA - medium mileage and lift

Thursday, March 17
condition on your own

Friday, March 18
throwers with Coach Wirtz
sprinters - SE II
distance - at mastick (AT day)

Saturday and Sunday - condition on your own
